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About Us and Our Autism Site We would like to send out a personal thank you for visiting our autism awareness site. We have the privilege and honor to raise our one and only daughter to date. She is the pride and joy of our lives. We were blessed 8 years ago when she came into our lives. We were given our life changing diagnoses of autism for our daughter when she had just barely turned 3 years old. We knew by the time she was 2 that there was something definitely not progressing right with her development. I am sure many parents can relate to the realization that something was just not quite right but you really didn't know what was wrong either. All we kept being told is that she had autistic tendencies but she did not have autism. Low and behold she was not only considered to have autism but she was severely autistic. Since she was first diagnosed with autism, we have done everything we possibly can to help her out to become the best she possibly can be. At the time of her autism diagnosis, she was not speaking or communicating either one. She still had to learn to jump and run. Her muscle tone had to be developed quite a bit. She had concentration issues and everything else you can think of about when you think of someone with autism. She has made huge strides to where not only does she talk now, but she is also communicating, she can now run, she is not as hyper as she used to be, she can concentrate for 15 to 20 minutes at a time, and she actually gives us and other family members and friends love and affection (including lots of hugs and kiss :) ). There have been many other things that she has either grown better in or is actually doing great now. It is almost as if we have a completely different child than we did even from a couple of years ago. We just love watching her grow it seems like everyday. We are even in the process toilet training (which I know any mom or dad knows how much fun that is) and she is making huge strides in the direction to be. We look forward to our autism awareness site being a resource for you to find the answers you need about autism and the much need support that you need to help you cope with the situations in life we are given. |
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